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NMSG holds biannual plenary meetings with a scientific, educational and organizational agenda. All NMSG members may participate in the plenary meetings. NMSG sponsors are invited to participate in the plenary meetings. In addition to the plenary meetings the NMSG also hosts a Nordic Myeloma Educational Workshop for Doctors and a Nordic Myeloma School for Nurses. To become a member of the NMSG and be able to participate in our meetings, please register here. For reimbursement of travel costs for members, please go to the members' section.


NMSG Plenary Autumn Meeting and Nordic Myeloma School for Nurses

September 10-12

Tallinn, Estonia


NMSG Plenary Spring Meeting and Myeloma Educational Workshop for Doctors

February 5-6

Copenhagen, Denmark

NMSG Plenary Autumn Meeting and Nordic Myeloma School for Nurses

September 9-11

Reykjavik, Iceland

This website is a presentation of myeloma and the NMSG. The content of the website is for information exclusively. The information given on this site is not meant to and cannot replace professional counseling or treatment by a doctor. The information is not to be used for diagnosing or determining a treatment.

NMSG does not guarantee for the correctness of information of this website or websites to which referrals are made. NMSG cannot be held responsible neither directly nor indirectly for any damage or loss caused by your or a third party´s use or misuse of the website. All rights to the website and to material on the website belong to NMSG. This also applies to all written entries sent to the website. Entries, which are sent to the website, become the property of NMSG and may without limitation be used by NMSG and are treated without confidence. Any dispute that may arise regarding this website or as a consequence of using this website is to be settled according to Danish Law. NMSG is not responsible for direct, random, consequently indirect or criminal damages which may occur due to the access to or the use of the content on this website, including computer viruses, regardless of the accurateness or completeness.

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